
Early Breakfast With Paula MacSweeney

Cows Can Text (Kind Of)

Today, I asked why people were up at 5am (and before!) because I am curious (read: nosy). Truckers,...
Paula MacSweeney
Paula MacSweeney

8:32 AM - 16 Oct 2019

Paula MacSweeney
Paula MacSweeney

8:32 AM - 16 Oct 2019

A Moo-ty Call!

Today, I asked why people were up at 5am (and before!) because I am curious (read: nosy). Truckers, guards, gym-bunnies and commuters are high up on the list of early listeners but loads of others are listening from far and wide - as far as Japan and Australia, getting their little taste of home via the app.

Dairy farmers and drivers also make up a huge amount of people in the “early bird” department. One guy transports milk “from the titty to the city” in his own words (well it made ME laugh).

Another listener said:


  • “Morning Paula. I got a text from cow at 3am. Got up, caved cow, went back to bed at 4. Got up at 5 to a 4-month-old laughing up at me. Fed him and now on daily commute to Dublin from Laois for my second job.”


And my response? A cow texted you, hahahaha, come on now, how can a cow text you?! Hahaha!


And then some listeners enlightened me:


  • “Paula I'd say that call from a cow is a thing called the Moo Call - it tells you if she’s in labour.”


  • “Cow text using Moocall - it's a unit on her tail which can tell when cow is near caving. Beats getting up checking and nothing happening!” 


My mind was blown. And speaking of cows – my brother-in-law is a cattle farmer and walked into the house carrying the de-baller one day and my sister freaked; GET THAT THING OUT OF MY KITCHEN!

De-baller… it’s the best I could do in a live situation while having absolutely no clue what the device used to lop the balls of a cow is.


  • “Deballer, hahaha! Serious tool, always used with the HEIGHT of respect! No joking round with that weapon, not a man alive that doesn’t flinch a bit when he’s using it!” – Joe the farmer


  • “Paula,a burdizzo is what the casterating tool!” - Darcy


  • “That deballer is known in our house as the squeezer!”


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Cows Early Farmer Text

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