

Dublin Video Portal Livestream Shut Down Again

Inappropriate behaviour has forced Dublin's video portal with New York to be turned off again. The t...
Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

10:15 AM - 15 May 2024

Dublin Video Portal Livestream...


Dublin Video Portal Livestream Shut Down Again

Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

10:15 AM - 15 May 2024

Inappropriate behaviour has forced Dublin's video portal with New York to be turned off again.

The two-way livestream, that's gained global attention, isn't expected to be back operating for a number of days.

The giant screen, broadcasting footage from 5th Avenue in New York, was set up in North Earl Street opposite The Spire last Wednesday.

Since then people in Dublin city have been flashing body parts, displaying footage of porn, and showing pictures of the Twin Towers on fire during the 9/11 terror attack to viewers in New York city.

Behavioural psychologist, Padraig Walsh, said he wasn't surprised to hear about such behaviour.

" Where you have the collective arousal of a crowd around you, where there are a lot of people goading you, or there's giddiness around that,

"The immediate reflexive response in some of those scenarios, almost like a primal instinct in some people, is to moon, to flash, or to streak".

Portal of two-way livestream between Dublin and New York, 14/05/2024. Image: Leah Farrell / © Portal of two-way livestream between Dublin and New York, 14/05/2024. Image: Leah Farrell / ©

It's the second time this week that the livestream has been paused. It was shut off on Monday night and resumed again on Tuesday morning.

However, a 'technical solution' which would blur images of inappropriate behaviour was tested to yesterday, but was found to be an unsuitable workaround for the issue.

Dublin city council says the team behind the art sculpture is now looking at other options and the technology - that's been dubbed the portal-oo - isn't expected to be turned back on until later this week.

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Dublin New York Video Portal Dublin Portal North Earl Street

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