

ESRI Warns Of Energy Poverty If Prices Double

Almost 70% of people could end up in energy poverty if energy price increases double again. The Econ...
Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

8:44 AM - 24 Aug 2022

ESRI Warns Of Energy Poverty I...


ESRI Warns Of Energy Poverty If Prices Double

Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

8:44 AM - 24 Aug 2022

Almost 70% of people could end up in energy poverty if energy price increases double again.

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has presented calculations to the government's emergency energy group.

The ESRI predicts that if price increases were to double again, a total of 69.2% of people would be deemed to be living in 'energy poverty'.

In the worst-case scenario estimates, 10% of peoples' incomes would be spent on energy.

The privately drafted findings were released to the Irish Times under Freedom of Information.

The ESRI predicts that if price increases were to double again, a total of 69.2% of people would be deemed to be living in 'energy poverty'.

According to the CSO, the cost of energy products increased by a total of 48% in the year until July.

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CSO Cost Of Living ESRI Economic And Social Research Institute Energy Energy Poverty Energy Prices

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