

Government Should Lead The Way On Climate Change - Green Party

The Green Party leader has said Shane Ross should stop shaming the public over the climate crisis –...

1:22 PM - 18 Aug 2019

Government Should Lead The Way...


Government Should Lead The Way On Climate Change - Green Party


1:22 PM - 18 Aug 2019

The Green Party leader has said Shane Ross should stop shaming the public over the climate crisis – and focus his efforts on changing the system.

Eamon Ryan was speaking after Transport Minister Shane Ross posted a video of his new electric online and challenged the public to follow his lead and get one.

He called out Deputy Ryan in particular.

"What I'd say to everybody is to consider going electric," he said. "I'd especially like to say this to Eamon Ryan, who is the leader of the Green Party, to dispose of his diesel 2003, and join me and show an example to other people in going electric," he said.

Deputy Ryan said Minister Ross should be focused on system change rather than “scoring points.”

“The Government are doing this all the time now, where they are saying, ‘are you doing the right thing to tackle climate change’ – and yes, we all need to play our part.

“But actually, the bigger task is the system change we need now to make it easy for people to make the change and do the right thing.

“That is what Shane Ross needs to concentrate on.

“I attack him a lot on that so I don’t have a problem if someone comes back at you.”

He said his car is capable of running on bio-diesel and was the lowest-carbon option available in 2003.

He said bio-diesel is no longer available and his next car is “definitely going to be electric because that is the way to go,” adding that they are “better cars in every which way.”

“I don’t want to go down the road Shane Ross is going down about everything being about the individual,” he said.

“It is about system change.

“We need to ensure it is easier for people to do the right thing and that is what the politics should be about – rather than Shane Ross scoring points.”

It was recently revealed that just two of 15 members of Cabinet drive environmentally friendly cars.

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Eamon Ryan Electric Cars Green Party Shane Ross

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