

Irish People Drink Average Of Three Cups Of Tea A Day

The average Irish person has three cups of tea a day. Research to mark International Tea Day today s...
Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

11:35 AM - 21 May 2024

Irish People Drink Average Of...


Irish People Drink Average Of Three Cups Of Tea A Day

Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

11:35 AM - 21 May 2024

The average Irish person has three cups of tea a day.

Research to mark International Tea Day today shows that most of us make our cup of tea in the same way every time, with 94% following the classic sequence of tea bag, hot water and then milk.

Researchers found people in the Republic of Ireland leave their tea bag to brew for 75 seconds - that's compared to 96 seconds for those in Northern Ireland.

Five cups of tea making a U shape on a table. Five cups of tea. Image: Image Source Limited / Alamy Stock Photo

The survey by found those who add sugar to their tea, prefer real sugar to artificial sweeteners.

The survey also found own brand supermarket teabags are more popular than traditional named brands.

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Barrys Or Lyons Cup Of Tea International Tea Day Milk And Sugar

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