

Voting Underway For Local, European And Limerick Mayor Elections

Voting is now underway for the local and European elections, and the country's first directly electe...
Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

10:49 AM - 7 Jun 2024

Voting Underway For Local, Eur...


Voting Underway For Local, European And Limerick Mayor Elections

Caoimhseach Connolly
Caoimhseach Connolly

10:49 AM - 7 Jun 2024

Voting is now underway for the local and European elections, and the country's first directly elected Mayor.

Polling stations opened at 7 am on Friday Morning and stay open until 10 pm.

Voters must bring a valid form of photo ID to the polling station to cast their vote, which includes a passport, drivers licence, public service card, or an employee or student card.

Art O'Leary, Chief Executive, of the Electoral Commission is urging people to get out and use their vote.

"Voting is so important. Your vote is your voice.

"It is how you express your view on the kind of people that you would like to represent you, both at local authority and the European Parliament".

14 MEPs will be chosen to represent Ireland at the European Parliament.

949 seats are to be filled in county and city councils across 166 local electoral areas around the country.

People in Limerick will also choose the country's first directly elected mayor.

More than 2,100 candidates have been selected or declared for the local elections this year, over 31% of whom are women - the highest number of women ever to run in local elections.

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