A 22-year-old Limerick student has achieved an amazing feat and managed to both waste a con artist's time, but also got them to part with their own cash!
Ross Walsh, a.k.a. Welshy, was contacted by a man who identified himself as Solomon Gundi. Solomon's email is one we're all very familiar with - he had a business opportunity that was simply too good to be missed and he very kindly wanted to give Welshy the chance to be a part of it.
“I know this email will come to a surprise to you," Solomon wrote, "but permit me to desire to go into business with you. My name is Solomon and I am big business leader looking to go into business with fellow enthusiastic businessman. I want you to invest £1,000 in my company for exchange for half business.”
This is something that will usually end in one of two ways - the email gets sent to spam, or someone takes a chance and is left significantly poorer.
However Welshy decided he would try something new, and see if he could get the con artist to part with his own money. In a fascinating story that used some key hurling code words - money would become “high ball”, transaction was to be replaced with “short puck out”, and business was to become “county final” - Solomon ended up being the one falling victim to a scam.

Check out the fun in full by pressing the play button on screen.