
Dave Moore

Why Perfectionism Isn't Perfect At All

Being 'perfect' or a 'perfectionist' is something that a lot of people pride themselves on. Whether...
Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

11:36 AM - 17 May 2021

Dave Moore

Why Perfectionism Isn't Perfect At All

Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

11:36 AM - 17 May 2021

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Being 'perfect' or a 'perfectionist' is something that a lot of people pride themselves on. Whether it's using it in a job interview as one of your 'positive traits' or pushing ourselves to have the 'perfect' game of golf, the word 'perfect' is seen as a aspirational and positive.

Until it's not and it begins to negatively impact on our lives, stopping us from doing things or causing us stress and upset.

Fiona Brennan from The Positive Habit joined Dermot and Dave for a Mind Yourself Now special where she tackled the issue of perfectionism and how you can escape being trapped in the cycle of it.


You can catch Fiona's tips by clicking play below:

Why Perfectionism Isn't Perfect At All

00:00:00 / 00:00:00


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Dermot And Dave Dermot And Dave Todayfm Fiona Brennan Fiona Brennan The Positive Habit Mind Yourself Now Todayfm

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