
Dave Moore

New Netflix Documentary To Reveal Massive Fertility Scandal

For millions of couples around the world, their road to parenthood can be difficult, expensive and o...
Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

12:39 PM - 13 May 2022

Dave Moore

New Netflix Documentary To Reveal Massive Fertility Scandal

Eimear Shannon
Eimear Shannon

12:39 PM - 13 May 2022

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For millions of couples around the world, their road to parenthood can be difficult, expensive and often heartbreaking. But what happens when you can't trust the one person responsible for making your dreams come true?

New Netflix Documentary To Reveal Massive Fertility Scandal

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Netflix documentary 'Our Father' exposes a massive scandal which saw one doctor father at least 94 children.

Maria had all the info as well as the best telly for the weekend in Maria's Telly.

You can catch the chat by clicking play above 

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