
The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show

Say 'Thanks A Million' To Our Frontline Workers With Amy Huberman

In Ireland we just love saying "Thanks a Million" but now there's an extra special reason to say it,...

3:32 PM - 4 Jun 2020

The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show

Say 'Thanks A Million' To Our Frontline Workers With Amy Huberman


3:32 PM - 4 Jun 2020

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In Ireland we just love saying "Thanks a Million" but now there's an extra special reason to say it, and to wear it.

Amy Huberman has partnered with Hairy Baby Tees to help say thank you to all the frontline staff who are working so hard under such difficult circumstances.

Maybe you want to say thank you to a frontline worker's friend for keeping their spirits up, to their family for staying away and staying at home, to their neighbours for checking on the elderly.

Amy has launched ‘Thanks A Million’ jumpers and t-shirts in the past week, money raised from the sale of the shirts will go directly to the charity Comfort 4 Covid.

Comfort 4 Covid was set up to donate digital tablets to Irish hospitals and nursing homes affected by Covid 19 in a bid to ensure patients needing to isolate are still able to access much needed contact with their loved ones.

Say 'Thanks A Million' To Our Frontline Workers With Amy Huberman

00:00:00 / 00:00:00

T Shirts and Jumpers available now at (Jumpers €35 / T-shirts €25)



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Covid Frontline

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