
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

How Can You Help Prevent Heart Disease?

How do you know if you have a healthy heart, and how can you reduce your chances of developing heart...

6:25 PM - 24 Oct 2018

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

How Can You Help Prevent Heart Disease?


6:25 PM - 24 Oct 2018

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How do you know if you have a healthy heart, and how can you reduce your chances of developing heart disease?

Many people don't understand the difference between heart attack and heart failure. As Dr Ray Walley explains, a heart attack is a lack of blood supply to the heart, which causes damage. Heart failure occurs when the heart itself is unable to pump blood sufficiently.

Heart attacks are the more common of the two, but heart failure is on the increase as people are living longer.

The classic signs of a heart attack are pain in the chest, arm and back, but some people present with heartburn or simply feel "vaguely unwell", which often leads to the problem being overlooked.

Risk factors for heart attack include family history, diabetes, smoking and obesity. Although mortality rates have decreased, Dr Ray Walley says we need to do more to ensure this continues.

Although most people will visit their GP when they feel unwell, they shouldn't be afraid to present to an emergency department if they suspect a heart attack, even if it turns out to be nothing serious.

While step counters may not necessarily prevent a heart attack, they have been proven to improve overall health, so it's important to get out walking.

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