
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

The Controversial Film Of Jamie Bulger's Killers

There are few people who haven't heard of the case of two-year-old Jamie Bulger, who was abducted an...

5:30 PM - 3 Jan 2019

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

The Controversial Film Of Jamie Bulger's Killers


5:30 PM - 3 Jan 2019

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There are few people who haven't heard of the case of two-year-old Jamie Bulger, who was abducted and killed in 1993 by then ten-year-olds Robert Thompson and Jon Venables.

Director Vincent Lambe has made Detainment, a short film about the case, using interviews conducted with the two in the aftermath of the murder.

It has now been shortlisted for an Oscar.

Vincent explained his motivation for making the film and his efforts to understand what drove two ten-year-old boys to kill: "The only way people could make sense of it was by coming to the conclusion that they were evil. I thought it was such a simplistic answer and I wanted to get a deeper understanding of it."

He admits he was apprehensive about making the drama due to the sensitive subject matter, but despite some of the criticisms levelled at it he says: "Everything in the film is entirely factual and there are no embellishments whatsoever."

Jamie Bulger's mother, Denise Fergus, is said to be angry that she wasn't contacted about the film, nor did she give permission for it to be made.

Responding to this, Vincent says: "It's the sort of film that I wouldn't expect them to be comfortable with, a film which humanises these boys, understandably so, I wouldn't expect her or the wider family of James Bulger to feel different."

"Everything in the film is already public record, from that point of view, you don't need permission to tell somebody something that is already public record, it's been shown in several documentaries already. It's all there, there's nothing I'm changing with it. We wanted to rely solely on the factual material so I think by talking to one family and not another or any of the families, you would, even if it was subconsciously, putting an opinion in the film. And we didn't want to do that, we wanted to make a film which was entirely factual and based on the evidence that was already there."

To catch the full chat press the play button on the image on the top of the screen

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