
The Last Word With Matt Cooper

The Week Trending - Waitrose Accused Of 'Racist' Chocolate Labelling

Waitrose has been accused of racism over its labelling of chocolate Easter ducklings. The British su...
Sarah Stacey
Sarah Stacey

5:23 PM - 12 Apr 2019

The Last Word With Matt Cooper

The Week Trending - Waitrose Accused Of 'Racist' Chocolate Labelling

Sarah Stacey
Sarah Stacey

5:23 PM - 12 Apr 2019

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Waitrose has been accused of racism over its labelling of chocolate Easter ducklings.

The British supermarket chain is in trouble for selling a trio of milk, white and dark chocolate ducklings marked 'crispy', 'fluffy' and 'ugly', with 'ugly' being applied to the dark chocolate.

An apology was issued by Waitrose following customer complaints, but others have pointed out that the labelling is merely a reference to the fairytale 'The Ugly Duckling'.

Is it an overreaction?

Helen Vaughan and Donal O'Donoghue discussed this and more of the stories making the news in The Week Trending.

The Week Trending - Waitrose Accused Of 'Racist' Chocolate Labelling

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Chocolate Homophobic Israel Folau Kim Kardashian Privacy Racism The Week Trending Vaccines Waitrose

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