
Best Bits

Christmas Killed Weekends

Well, we made it. Who'd have thought it? After Sunday night's restless sleep of doom and Monday's cr...

3:58 PM - 9 Jan 2015

Christmas Killed Weekends

Best Bits

Christmas Killed Weekends


3:58 PM - 9 Jan 2015

Well, we made it. Who'd have thought it? After Sunday night's restless sleep of doom and Monday's crippling tiredness, we battled against the odds and now stand victorious on this Friday evening, on the cusp of the weekend. What's a weekend? Oh, the weekend, yes, it's a thing we used to celebrate before Christmas came and rendered weekends useless. We've forgotten what to do.

The weekend falls between Friday and Sunday and can be spent doing productive and worthy activities like hill-walking, running, cleaning, sorting, dancing, socialising, meeting friends and other posh things like brunching. But there's another type of weekend, it is often spent doing equally worthy things such as sleeping, chilling, lounging in pyjamas and catching up on box-sets. This is most commonly found during January when the entire population is off booze, off chocolate and maxed out financially.

If you've forgotten how to do the whole 'January Weekend' thing, there is a quick and easy way to remember; it's called 'The P.A.N. O.U.T method'.

Put your feet up

Abandon the weeks stress and troubles

Now, get into your comfy clothes


Order in. Unless you are being good of course. 

Understand the value of the 'lie on'

Take any opportunity to relax

Enjoy guys. 

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