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Dr. shows how to soothe a crying baby

Being a new parent is wonderful of course (it seems to have proved popular here on earth anyways) bu...

3:06 PM - 2 Dec 2015

Dr. shows how to soothe a cryi...

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Dr. shows how to soothe a crying baby


3:06 PM - 2 Dec 2015

Being a new parent is wonderful of course (it seems to have proved popular here on earth anyways) but there is little more stressful than seeing baba crying. Well this guys may be your new patron saint.

Dr Robert Hamilton, a US paediatrician based in Santa Monica, California, has 30 years experience treating children and he’s released a rather nifty video on his YouTube channel that might help those caring for upset infants.

The doctor has termed the act ‘The Hold’ and it involves crossing the baby’s arms at their front, holding them securely at a 45 degree angle and then using the palm of your hand to shake their bottom.

Have a look at him performing ‘The Hold’ on two stressed out babies in his video and they don’t let him down!! 

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