
Best Bits

Five Lies We ALL Tell Ourselves

We all lie to ourselves, it's basically essential to get through daily life. Here are a few of the b...

6:51 PM - 3 Dec 2014

Five Lies We ALL Tell Ourselve...

Best Bits

Five Lies We ALL Tell Ourselves


6:51 PM - 3 Dec 2014

We all lie to ourselves, it's basically essential to get through daily life. Here are a few of the best ones. See if you agree....

'I'm only going out for one' - Yea, about that. You're not. One always turns into two, two turns into three and three turns into a battered sausage on the way home.

'I'm definitely getting up to go to the gym tomorrow' - You're lying in bed, feeling guilty about all the chips and chocolate you ate and you swear blind that you'll get up the next morning and give it hell in the gym. Except, when the alarm goes off at 5.30am the next morning, you pretend not to hear it and turn back over for a second sleep. Grand.

'I'm going to bed THE MINUTE I get home' - We all have those mornings, they generally come at the end of a long week. You're exhausted, zombified and a general shell of a person. You stumble around the room in a daze, whilst trying to drag your clothes on, swearing BLIND that you are going to bed THE SECOND you get in the door. Like, you're not even going to put on the telly, straight to bed. But, you do put on the telly and you somehow, find yourself scrolling through Facebook at 1am

'I am going to budget this month' - Okay, you say it every month and yet, you end up spending like Johnny Rockerfella on payday. A new pair of boots here, dinner out and taxis willy-nilly. It all stacks up, and pretty soon, the budget is completely blown and you find yourself eating beans for 3 weeks. 

'I'm to start fresh on Monday. No coffee / chocolate EVER again' - Except Monday morning comes and you need coffee and chocolate just to get through the morning of doom. 

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