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Hugs To Watch Out For On National Hug Day

Hooray! Just as we’re dragging our hopes and good intentions through the interminable misery desert...

2:34 PM - 21 Jan 2016

Hugs To Watch Out For On Natio...

Best Bits

Hugs To Watch Out For On National Hug Day


2:34 PM - 21 Jan 2016

Hooray! Just as we’re dragging our hopes and good intentions through the interminable misery desert that is January, along comes National Hug Day!

Hugs can cure all ailments of the soul but they are a double edged squeeze for if applied incorrectly they can bring great ickiness'.

So if you're determined to issue a hug today - here are the ones to watch out for. 

The Goldilocks Bear Hug

As with any social physical interaction, there is a technique and rules to giving a hug. The Bear Hug is rightly the most popular - but not quite so easy to pull off. Squeeze too hard and you risk making the hugee both physically and emotionally uncomfortable. Go in too weak and you may as well have just run a wet fish down their back. Not too strong...not too weak...It has to be just right!   

The A-Frame

Some people are simply not touchy feely. The thought of mashing their body into that of another fills them with dread if not disgust. If you know this about a friend, it’s best to fall back on a quick (and most likely half-hearted) handshake. Non-huggers, if forced into one, will often try to minimise any bodily contact by leaning in just with the  shoulders and forming a triangle of discomfort.

The Back Patter

This behaviour is most common amongst male huggers. Heavy back slaps added to a strong bear hug are an ancient sign of mutual respect and can often last for 45 minutes and result in bruising. Also used to assert dominance and strength like two male gorillas.

The Shoulder Bump

Increasingly popular amongst young people who think they live in an American urban environment, this is recent addition to the hug menu is essentially a halfway measure between a handshake and an actual hug and will be accompanied with a single backslap and a ‘Wassaaaap Brooo?.

The Rocker

When squeezing and back slapping isn’t enough, some will resort to expressing their delight in meeting you by rocking you from side to side. A risky move that forces you join in this weird and often uncomfortable dance. Often used by excited Nan’s / Aunts on children.  

The Awkward Side Hug

Quite literally the worst. Someone you know is upset and you want to hug them better but you over play it with the dreaded 'Side Hug'. You've now added feeling awkward to their woes. Good job!


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