
Best Bits

Pause Your Boxset And Bring Back Some Classic Schoolyard Games This Summer

“If you stare at that telly too much you’ll end up with square eyes,” was a common threat dished out...

3:15 PM - 13 Aug 2018

Pause Your Boxset And Bring Ba...

Best Bits

Pause Your Boxset And Bring Back Some Classic Schoolyard Games This Summer


3:15 PM - 13 Aug 2018

“If you stare at that telly too much you’ll end up with square eyes,” was a common threat dished out by Irish mothers to their children in the 80’s and 90’s.

Little did they (or we) imagine that in a few years’ time most of us would eventually struggle to go even 30 minutes without some form of screen time. For many parents in the digital age, battles over screen time and devices have become a typical part of family life. 

It’s not just children though, we’re all a little bit screen-dependent. When we’re not on our phones, we’re on our laptops and when we’re not on our laptops, we’re watching Netflix. Sometimes we’ll even have a go of all three at the same time; such are our multitasking abilities!

While we haven’t developed the square eyes that we were warned about, we definitely need to switch off and get out more. Now that the weather is fairly decent, we need to park our phones and use our time wisely.

Explore the Great Outdoors

Free your mind and body by hitting the great outdoors. It’s a great stress-reliever and suitable for all ages and abilities. Now that summer is in full-swing there are plenty of outdoor activities available right on your doorstep too. Copy and save this budget friendly list of things to do with all the family

  • Get Ireland Walking 
  • parkrun 
  • Sport Ireland 
  • Get Ireland Active 
  • Ireland Active 
  • Community Games 
  • Walking trails

Picnic in the Park 

Everything tastes better outdoors, fact. Maybe it’s because we’re house-bound for much of the year that we go mad for a a bit of al-fresco dining once the good weather strikes. Enjoy a picnic this weekend and bring your friends or family. Pack some bread, cheese and a few of your favourite nibbles, create a colourful healthy salad perfect for sharing and head to your local park.

All of a sudden you’re in Paris, Berlin or Barcelona. Even on slightly chilly days there’s something oddly charming and whimsical about dining outdoors, just pack some seasonally appropriate dishes and blanket and you’re good to go.

Bring back your favourite games from your childhood

Introduce your kids to the games you played when you were their age. It’s a great way for everyone to get in some exercise and it’s a whole lot of fun too.

Try your hand at some old favourites such as Kerbs, Duck Duck Goose, Tip The Can, Bulldog and Rounders and watch your little one’s faces light up as they feel the same joy you did all those years ago!

Create a no-phone boxset-free zone in your bedroom

Turn your bedroom into a screen-free zone and relegate your mobile and boxsets to the hallway. Not only will you sleep better but you’ll also manage to get out of bed faster in the morning (possibly because you’ll be running for your phone to catch up on what you missed out on overnight).

Buy an alarm clock so you don’t need to rely on your phone when waking up. The LED screen on smartphones and tablets emit blue lights that trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime, even though it’s night-time and you’re wrecked. By keeping them out of your bedroom, you’ll be able to develop a healthier sleeping pattern.

Think of all the times you’ve planned an early night only to end up lying on your bed for two hours scrolling through Instagram until your brain went numb. Try it for a month and see the difference.

Volunteer with a local charity

Volunteering is a great way to meet people, give back to your community and in many cases even get some exercise

From frontline services to fundraising, events and campaign efforts, you can help make a difference in someone’s life.

If you choose to get involved with frontline services you can choose anything from befriending the elderly and isolated with Alone, supporting families where children are at risk, giving someone a lift to a hospital appointment or volunteering at an animal charity. There are so many people who could really benefit from your time and care, you’ll be surprised at the difference you can make. Visit to find out more.

The Healthy Ireland Eat Well, Think Well, Be Well campaign encourages you to make positive lifestyle choices to improve your physical and mental health this summer. 

For more tips, tricks and recipes make sure to follow @healthyIreland/#feelgoodtogether on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and visit for more info.


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