

Revolutionary Body-Sculpting Treatment EmSculpt Is Available At Therapie Clinic

EmSculpt is the world's first treatment that helps patients build muscle and sculpt their body non-i...

10:00 AM - 22 Jun 2023

Revolutionary Body-Sculpting T...


Revolutionary Body-Sculpting Treatment EmSculpt Is Available At Therapie Clinic


10:00 AM - 22 Jun 2023

EmSculpt is the world's first treatment that helps patients build muscle and sculpt their body non-invasively.

Are you looking to see faster results from your fitness journey? Therapie Clinic is now offering a celebrity-favourite treatment that can help you reach your goals.

EmSculpt feels like an intensive workout, and a 30-minute session can be the equivalent to 20,000 crunches, sit ups or squats.

This revolutionary treatment means you can lie down, relax and feel results after your first session. More positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session, which will continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments.

EmSculpt is completely non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any prep beforehand.

How does EmSculpt work?

EmSculpt is based on HIFEM, short for High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic energy.

It works like an intense "workout" on your bum, tum, thighs, triceps and biceps.

HIFEM energy causes strong, intense contractions, which build new muscle mass.

These induced muscle contractions force the muscle tissue to adapt to extreme conditions, causing a deep remodeling of its inner structure.

EmSculpt has been tested in many multicentre studies using reputable scientific methods like MRI, CT, US and Histology.

The results showed a 16% average increase in muscle mass, with a 19% average reduction in fat.

EmSculpt is available at Therapie Clinic. Their experts can help you create a treatment plan tailored to your goals. For more information or to book a free consultation visit

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