
Best Bits

What makes you a nerd?

Today on ticket or flick it we talked about how big of a nerd I am – I was asked by Dermot and Dave...

4:09 PM - 24 Mar 2015

What makes you a nerd?

Best Bits

What makes you a nerd?


4:09 PM - 24 Mar 2015

Today on ticket or flick it we talked about how big of a nerd I am – I was asked by Dermot and Dave to take a picture of my messy drawers in the house...

And when I found out I had to do this, I was secretly delighted – because it meant that I could spend the evening rearranging all the bits and pieces in my kitchen – that’s my idea of heaven...

So we asked – what makes you a nerd?

  • Maybe you queue at midnight for the new video games along with everyone else, who ISN’T in their 40s?
  • Maybe you put off dates with your other half so you can play X-Box and beat strangers online?
  • Maybe you love nothing more than re-arranging your cutlery drawer

Hi Louise and Ann! I have a rotation system for my clothes. It goes like for example: Monday jumpers, Tuesday tops n tees, Wednesday trousers n shorts etc, Friday the wardrobe section- that includes hanger stuff: dresses, skirts, shirts n jackets! N then the rotation goes on again. I am such a freak about it I HAVE to wear the first item on the top of the pile n then arrange an outfit to suit. Like sometimes the items of clothing are not weather appropriate t appropriate for the ocassion but I'm such a freak I have to stick to the rotation! I do really enjoy it though n my life wud not b complete without it!

Oh my goodness I'm you. I love sorting- by colour, size, alphabetically..... My junk drawers give me hours of sorting time & it's never fully done. & if given a few uninterrupted hours I'd happily spend them ironing.

I produce music on computers , work in IT and love Star Trek TNG. Nerdy r what !!

I sort the cutlery before turning on dishwasher, hang clothes chronologically AND.. I love it..

Hey guys, I'm a nerd because I organise my sock drawers every week

Geeky glasses

Hey louise I like to arrange all my DVDs by year - and then when I get sick of that I do it by genre… then alphabetical order!

I love getting clothes out on the line. I sit at kitchen table & look out at them with delight!

Colour coordinating my wardrobe and I mean everything.

I colour my 4yr old home work so i get a well done sticker

Texting on behalf of my 10 year old Caoimhe who's listening - she has to sit on the floor and empty all her bucket of conkers into a t-towel and then polish them one by one with a wet wipe!!! Nuts or what...

NERD: I love collecting the partwork magazines....I have approx 150 DVDs of manga, and karate type (unwatched), and I have loads (about 200) figurines of comic superheroes (who knew there was so many comic book Heroes and villains).

When my wife goes away for a night I play guitar hero on the wii all night in my underpants with a pizza and a bottle of coke, if i have a few drinks there is a tie around my head too. I take the next day off work to do the jobs I told her I had already done. Either that or a star wars marathon.

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