
Best Bits

You know it's REALLY Christmas when....

It’s mid December and there is no doubt that Christmas is all around us. But, there are a couple of...

5:25 PM - 11 Dec 2014

You know it's REALLY Chris...

Best Bits

You know it's REALLY Christmas when....


5:25 PM - 11 Dec 2014

It’s mid December and there is no doubt that Christmas is all around us. But, there are a couple of key events that need to happen before you can kick back and begin to enjoy the season properly.

1)      Danish cookies

That shiny blue box is just ‘Christmas in a tin’. The minute you pop that lid and have your first buttery, melt in your mouth cookie, you know the silly season has officially begun!

2)      You stay out FAR too late on a school night

You arrange to meet the lads you used to work with for a Christmas catch up. How mature of you. You all decide to go for a bit of grub at 5.45pm with the intention of being home and tucked up by 10pm. Sure, that’s totally acceptable. Next thing you know, it’s 1am, and you’re in the queue for Coppers, wearing a novelty Christmas hat and a wild eyed boldness. The only saving grace is that you aren’t alone; the pubs are packed with people just like you, the ones who promised they’d have a quiet one and have found themselves having a full blown ‘Saturday night’ night on a Tuesday.

3)      You dance like a loola to ‘Fairytale of New York’ / Band Aid

Christmas hasn’t officially begun until you’ve been swung around a dance floor (often by a total stranger) SCREAMING the words of ‘Fairytale of New York’.  Then ‘Band Aid’ comes on and you give it your best Bono. Well, toniiiiiggggght, thank God it’s them, insttttttteeeeeeeead of youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu’.

4)      You run into 132 packs ‘Twelve Pubs of Christmas’ gangs on the way home

There is nothing worse than trying to go about your business and being bombarded by unruly gangs on ‘Twelve Pubs’.  You’re just trying to get home and go to bed, but you can’t move for lads in all manner of Christmas jumpers and novelty headwear.

5)      You eat your first mince pie. And remember, you don’t like them

Mince pieces are great in theory. But, in reality, they’re a bit gick.

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