
Early Breakfast With Paula MacSweeney

Natural Highs

This morning on Early Breakfast, Shay emailed from Paris, having completed the marathon there yester...

8:27 AM - 10 Apr 2017


8:27 AM - 10 Apr 2017

This morning on Early Breakfast, Shay emailed from Paris, having completed the marathon there yesterday. The reason he emailed was because he was looking for forgiveness - he had received a MacSweeney Beanie to wear during the marathon but it was too hot to wear it. He is so totally forgiven. Have a read here:

Morning Sweet P, listening to you via The App, finished The Marathon yesterday and I have to say it was without doubt THE toughest thing I've EVER done, it was 23 degrees, baking sunshine and very little shade along the way. The ambulances were flat out all along the route as people were dropping like flies. I had the worst ever finishing time BUT I finished. Sadly it was just waaaay too hot to wear the beanie. Next time. Right - am going back to bed for a few hours and then fly home! Hope you and everyone had a great weekend and we'll all have a great week too, Whoop Whoop, Shay. 

Shay is a runner who always emails in the show in the mornings after his run and he always seems to be on a natural high! Apart from running, which some of us (cough cough) just cannot or will not ever love, how else can we receive natural highs?

Asking the listeners to keep it clean, they had loads of suggestions! Have a baby! Go to Disneyland! Clean the house!


  • Natural high? Slept for 12 hours solid Friday night through Saturday afternoon. It felt GREAT! Beanie me please (ok, I'll settle for a bit of Van Halen - how about Jump?) Dave, Clondalkin
  • Natural high: jumped out of a plane in Orlando last week. The whole experience was terrifying but when you land, the sense of achievement is definitely a natural high!
  • Runner's high. Truly nothing quite like it.
  • I get extremely giddy while being tattooed. My first few I just laughed, now (14) I just chill out and enjoy it. Trucker Rory.
  • When I get home from work and my dog is just so happy to see me! Sarah
  • Sleep. Sleep is everything – a good night sleep and I am actually able to take on the world. Claire, Waterford
  • Getting stuff done – I cleaned the house on Saturday and it took 5 hours of pure sweat but the house is now sparkling. Great feeling.
  • When I held my baby for the first time. Wish I could bottle that feeling, I can’t even describe it.
  • I get really into music and any live gig gives me a natural high – just lose myself in the music. That sounds pretentious, I know, but it’s true.
  • Getting to the top of a mountain. The endorphins mixed with the view are brilliant.
  • Natural high Paula was last week in Disneyland Paris when I terrified myself on the rollercoaster but I laughed so much when I got off them that my belly hurt. Laughed even more when I saw the photos of us – the heads on us! 4 days of being naturally high! Pam
  • Making someone you like laugh! - Pat

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