

BJ Novak from 'The Office' to children's books

THE BOOK WITH NO PICTURES by award-winning US actor and comedian B.J. Novak is the most talked about...

6:48 PM - 11 Dec 2014

BJ Novak from 'The Office&...


BJ Novak from 'The Office' to children's books


6:48 PM - 11 Dec 2014

THE BOOK WITH NO PICTURES by award-winning US actor and comedian B.J. Novak is the most talked about (non) picture book in recent years.

Published just three weeks ago in the US, it quickly claimed the top spot on the New York Times Bestseller list.

The book re imagines storytelling for a young audience and turns the notion of the picture book on its head, by delivering a text-only story book for young children.

Novak is also known for his work on the US Office in which he played Ryan Howard.

In addition to his television credits, he has appeared in the films Unaccompanied Minors, Reign Over Me, The Internship, Knocked Up and Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds.

He spoke to the Last Word earlier, listen back here to the interview in full:

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