

Jack & Jill: The Jonathan Irwin Story

Jonathan Irwin is best known as the man who, following the tragic death of his son at 22 months old,...

6:29 PM - 24 Oct 2014

Jack & Jill: The Jonathan Irwi...


Jack & Jill: The Jonathan Irwin Story


6:29 PM - 24 Oct 2014

Jonathan Irwin is best known as the man who, following the tragic death of his son at 22 months old, set up the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation so that other parents would not have to go through the hardship his family did to nurse their sick child at home.

To date he has raised over €55 million for the charity and supported over 1800 sick children and their families from every community in Ireland.

"Two of our children died in early childhood. John died at birth. Our son Jack was born with severe disabilities and only lived for 22months."

"There were simply no services in Ireland available to care for a baby like Jack at home."

Johnathan says their experience of nursing a profoundly sick child at home inspired both him and his wife to establish the Jack and Jill Foundation which provides nursing care for children in their own homes.

The Foundation provides direct funding, to families of children with brain damage who suffer severe intellectual and physical developmental delay, enabling them to purchase home respite care.

"Jack & Jill: The Jonathan Irwin Story” is now available in hardback at €16.99 in book stores nationwide and online including with proceeds going to the Jack & Jill Foundation at a time when the charity is facing a shortfall in donations of €200,000 for 2014.

To hear the interview in full, listen back here:

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