

100 new jobs for Dublin

100 new jobs are being created at an online business firm in the capital. Yelp has chosen Dublin for...

6:24 AM - 6 Jun 2014

100 new jobs for Dublin


100 new jobs for Dublin


6:24 AM - 6 Jun 2014

100 new jobs are being created at an online business firm in the capital.

Yelp has chosen Dublin for its new European Headquarters.

This announcement is set to be made by the Taoiseach - who's visiting Silicon Valley on the West coast of the US.

Yelp - which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange - specialises in reviews of businesses like restaurants and shops.

Its decision to base its European headquarters in Dublin is being described as a landmark moment in the history of the company.

Yelp is set to begin hiring immediately for roles in sales, finane and engineering.

Speaking after a meeting with Yelp executives in their offices in San Francisco, Enda Kenny welcomed the announcement saying it's important for Ireland to continue to win investments from international companies.

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