

150 jobs created at Sigmar

An Irish recruitment company is to create 150 new jobs in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Kerry. 50 of the...

6:44 AM - 18 Jul 2016

150 jobs created at Sigmar


150 jobs created at Sigmar


6:44 AM - 18 Jul 2016

An Irish recruitment company is to create 150 new jobs in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Kerry.

50 of the new jobs at Sigmar Recruitment will be filled by year end.

The remaining positions in consultation, sales and digital marketing will be filled by 2018.

According to Sigmar CEO Adie Mc Gennis the net effect of this announcement is far greater than the 150 jobs.

He says "Everyone at Sigmar is proud and excited to share our expansion plans. We have experienced very strong growth and this confirms our confidence in the recruitment sector, the Irish economy and most importantly in all of our people to continue Sigmar’s success.

“We deal with talent every day, so are fully aware that our growth is based on the positive, professional, progressive culture developed in Sigmar.”



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