

86 year old robbed by man impersonating a Garda

Gardai have arrested two men following the robbery of an elderly man in Co. Monaghan. Just before 5p...

10:56 PM - 25 Mar 2016

86 year old robbed by man impe...


86 year old robbed by man impersonating a Garda


10:56 PM - 25 Mar 2016

Gardai have arrested two men following the robbery of an elderly man in Co. Monaghan.

Just before 5pm this evening, the 86 year old was stopped by a man in a jeep, near Scotch Corner.

When he pulled over, the man, who was impersonating a garda, stole his wallet and left the scene in the jeep.

The vehicle - which was also stolen - was later located in Castleshane and a man in his 50's was arrested.

A second man, in his 40's, was arrested afterwards near Castleblayney.

Both are currently being detained at Monaghan Garda Station.

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