

Apple opposes court order to unlock iPhone

Apple says it opposes a US court order to comply with a request by the FBI to build a back door to t...

5:43 PM - 17 Feb 2016

Apple opposes court order to u...


Apple opposes court order to unlock iPhone


5:43 PM - 17 Feb 2016

Apple says it opposes a US court order to comply with a request by the FBI to build a back door to the iPhone.

The company has been working with the FBI in the wake of the San Bernardino attack in December, in which 14 people were killed by a couple, who later died in a gun battle with police.

The FBI is trying to unlock an iPhone used by gunman, Syed Farook.

But Apple CEO Tim Cook says creating software to unlock the phone, would mean it would fall into the hands of criminals, potentially unlocking all smartphones.

Speaking on the Last Word, was Technology Editor with the Irish Independent Adrian Weckler;

14 people were killed in the attack by Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, who opened fire on Mr Farook's colleagues at a care centre Christmas party last year.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has written an open letter to the company's customers, calling for a public discussion on the matter.


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