

Baby Darragh inquest is adjourned

An inquest into the death of a newborn at the Coombe hospital in Dublin has been adjourned after the...

4:28 PM - 9 Feb 2016

Baby Darragh inquest is adjour...


Baby Darragh inquest is adjourned


4:28 PM - 9 Feb 2016

An inquest into the death of a newborn at the Coombe hospital in Dublin has been adjourned after the pathologist raised questions about the timeline of events.

Neonatal pathologist Colette Adida said Baby Darragh Byrne died of multi-organ failure as a result of hypoxia, or lack of oxygen.

Dr Adida said something may have happened to cause hypoxia in the weeks before birth.

Counsel for the Byrne family said that until now the inquest had been dealing with the 10-12 hours before the birth, and that the suggestion of that an earlier event caused hypoxia was a surprise.

The Coombe'Â’s barrister said while the hospital was not taking its apology back, the cause of the infantÂ’s death must be investigated.

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