

Banking Inquiry action against ECB

The banking inquiry is set to call on the state to launch legal action against the European Central...

6:20 AM - 7 Dec 2015

Banking Inquiry action against...


Banking Inquiry action against ECB


6:20 AM - 7 Dec 2015

The banking inquiry is set to call on the state to launch legal action against the European Central Bank, over its stance on burning bondholders.

The call comes in the final report which was signed off on last night, albeit without an executive summary.


After the first version of the report’s executive summary was considered not political enough - and the second version TOO political - the third version was dropped, due to time pressure which left members unable to consider formal amendments.

The preface written by chairman Ciaran Lynch has been expanded to serve as a summary instead.

The recommendations are set to include a call for the state to take legal action against the ECB over its stance that stopped Ireland from burning senior bondholders.

Members said they were relieved to finally have a document complete - even if its findings were not considered strong enough for either Pearse Doherty or Joe Higgins to sign off on.

And while their decision will give rise to claims of political motivations, the report itself will now begin three days of legal checking before a copy is sent to witnesses - the remaining nine members will hold their breath and hope a legal challenge doesn’t follow.

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