

Bike to work on a bus

Do you struggle to fit in your work out before getting to the office in the morning? Well worry no m...

8:50 AM - 27 May 2016

Bike to work on a bus


Bike to work on a bus


8:50 AM - 27 May 2016

Do you struggle to fit in your work out before getting to the office in the morning?

Well worry no more, as new buses fitted with exercise bikes are being introduced in Boston in the US.

So passengers can pedal away and burn calories while the bus drives them to work.

Would it not just make sense to ride a bike to work?

The founder of BikeBus says weather is a big issue and this solves that problem.

They found that weight training would be too dangerous, and yoga wouldn't work when a bus is making sharp turns.

A trip on the BikeBus will set you back just 30 dollars each way.

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