

Bus Eireann Strike Suspended Ahead of Fresh Talks

100 thousand commuters who use Bus Eireann will have a service on Monday after Unions agreed to susp...

4:24 PM - 3 Mar 2017

Bus Eireann Strike Suspended A...


Bus Eireann Strike Suspended Ahead of Fresh Talks


4:24 PM - 3 Mar 2017

100 thousand commuters who use Bus Eireann will have a service on Monday after Unions agreed to suspend their strike again.

Management and unions at Bus Eireann have accepted a new invitation by the Workplace Relations Commission.

Bus Eireann says the financial situation at the company remains critical, but they've deferred the implementation of pay cuts, pending those talks on Monday.

The National Bus and Rail Union has advised its members to remain on a war footing, but they are attending talks.

General Secretary is Dermot O'Leary;

Transport Minister Shane Ross issued the following statement;

“I welcome the news that Monday’s proposed bus strike has been called off. I would like to thank both employer and employees involved in this dispute for accepting an invitation from the Workplace Relations Commission to return to talks.

I am sure the travelling public will be relieved that Bus Éireann services will be available to them on Monday.”

SIPTU organiser Willie Noone believes Bus Eireann have realised they were never going to be able to get the unions to accept the pay cuts that were due to kick in on Monday;


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