

Call for End to Gender Stereotypes In Ads

A report says more needs to be done to end gender stereotypes in adverts. Britain's Advertising Stan...

2:03 PM - 18 Jul 2017

Call for End to Gender Stereot...


Call for End to Gender Stereotypes In Ads


2:03 PM - 18 Jul 2017

A report says more needs to be done to end gender stereotypes in adverts.

Britain's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) says evidence suggests a "tougher line" is needed on ads that feature stereotypical gender roles.

"This includes ads that mock people for not conforming to gender stereotypes", it says.

It says it would be "inappropriate and unrealistic" to prevent ads from, for instance, depicting a woman cleaning - but that new standards could change the context causing the issue.

This advert for Aptamil baby formula shows girls wanting to be ballerinas

An example would be an ad which depicts family members creating mess, while a woman has sole responsibility for cleaning it up.

Another could be an ad that suggests an activity is inappropriate for a girl because it is stereotypically associated with boys - or an ad that features a man trying and failing at simple household tasks.

The UK's Committees of Advertising Practice says it will develop new standards.

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