

Carlow Teen In Texas Floods Rescued In Time For Cancer Treament

A Carlow teenager being treated for cancer in Texas has managed to make her way to hospital through...

5:11 PM - 28 Aug 2017

Carlow Teen In Texas Floods Re...


Carlow Teen In Texas Floods Rescued In Time For Cancer Treament


5:11 PM - 28 Aug 2017

A Carlow teenager being treated for cancer in Texas has managed to make her way to hospital through the floodwater caused by Hurricane Harvey in the US. 

19-year-old Shauntelle Tynan from Graiguecullen in Carlow is in Houston receiving treatment at the Texas Children's Hospital.

Earlier today her mother posted on Facebook saying she and her family are now stranded in their apartment after massive flooding in the area.

Her mother appealed for help for Shauntelle as she needs a blood transfusion urgently and they were waiting for her to be airlifted to hospital.

Shauntelle's Mum Leona Tynan has since updated her social media to say Shauntelle has received help from friends to bring her to the hospital for her treatment:

Flash floods warnings are in operation in the area and it's expected half a million people are likely to need help in the state after flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey.

Further rain's expected in the coming days, with floods peaking on Wednesday or Thursday.

The US disaster response agency FEMA says over 30-thousand homeowners are expected to be placed in temporary shelters.

Water's going to released from a reservoir to stop it bursting, but that will lead to more homes being flooded.

Director of the US emergency agency FEMA, (PRON: Fee-ma) Brock Long says the operation is a life-saving one at the minute:

Carlow Teen In Texas Floods Rescued In Time For Cancer Treament

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