

Chief Whip Regina Doherty says she could work with Sinn Fein

The government chief whip Regina Doherty has indicated she would not have any problem with serving i...

8:11 AM - 8 Jan 2017

Chief Whip Regina Doherty says...


Chief Whip Regina Doherty says she could work with Sinn Fein


8:11 AM - 8 Jan 2017

The government chief whip Regina Doherty has indicated she would not have any problem with serving in a coalition with Sinn Féin.

It is thought she is the first Fine Gael TD to publicly consider joining forces with Gerry Adams' party.

Her views contradict the Taoiseach's position.

In an interview with the Sunday Independent, Deputy Doherty also said "there are some incredible people in Sinn Féin".

The outspoken politician has been at the centre of controversy already this week for appearing to criticise Minister of State Helen McEntee - her government colleague and constituency rival.

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