

Clery's workers hold crisis meeting

A crisis meeting of Clery's staff takes place this morning after the Dublin department store closed...

8:36 AM - 13 Jun 2015

Clery's workers hold crisi...


Clery's workers hold crisis meeting


8:36 AM - 13 Jun 2015

A crisis meeting of Clery's staff takes place this morning after the Dublin department store closed its doors last night.

Over 400 staff at the iconic shop found out they were to lose their jobs at close of business yesterday - with immediate effect.

Workers were told the company had gone into liquidation, amid multi million Euro losses.

Clerys has been bought by the real estate firm, Natrium - a joint Irish and UK business.

Trade union SIPTU are holding an emergency meeting at Liberty Hall to discuss what action they will take.


Seán Murphy of Retail Excellence Ireland believes its a sad day for the industry:


SIPTU organiser Robert Purfield is critical of how staff are being treated:

 Sinn Fein's Mary Lou McDonald is one of the local TDs - she says the announcement is a real shock:


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