

Court to rule over O'Brien/IBRC

The High Court will be asked to clarify whether a court order stops the media reporting comments mad...

10:22 AM - 2 Jun 2015

Court to rule over O'Brien...


Court to rule over O'Brien/IBRC


10:22 AM - 2 Jun 2015

The High Court will be asked to clarify whether a court order stops the media reporting comments made in the Dail about Denis O'Brien's dealings with IBRC bank.

The temporary injunction stopping publication of the businessman's confidential banking arrangements was granted a week before Independent TD Catherine Murphy disclosed the information under Dail privilege.

Mr Justice Donald Binchy made an order two weeks ago stopping RTE and other media outlets reporting details of Denis O'Brien's banking arrangments with IBRC.

The businessman argued the story about corporate governance at the state owned bank breached his right to privacy in his banking affairs.

But a week later Independent TD Catherine Murphy revealed the information under Dail privilege.

Media organisations are unsure whether they can report her comments without breaching the existing court order.

Today RTE, The Irish Times and The Sunday Business Post will ask Mr Justice Binchy to clarify if the court's injunction trumps Dail privilege.

Some media outlets like Broadsheet and The Sunday Times have gone ahead and published the deputy's remarks - which remain on the Oireachtas web site - leading some to say the genie is already out of the bottle.

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