

Crisis summit to discuss Brexit fallout

Enda Kenny is to meet his EU counterparts this afternoon as European leaders get to grips with the U...

12:56 PM - 28 Jun 2016

Crisis summit to discuss Brexi...


Crisis summit to discuss Brexit fallout


12:56 PM - 28 Jun 2016

Enda Kenny is to meet his EU counterparts this afternoon as European leaders get to grips with the UK's Brexit vote.

The meeting may be crucial in outlining whether Britain will be able to secure free trade with Europe - and whether hard borders will return in Ireland.

This morning one Irish cabinet minister has said Ireland should look to be treated as a 'special case' when the EU begins its divorce talks with Britain, given that Ireland has the most to lose from a bad deal.

The outcome of the referendum has also been debated today in the European Parliament, where hundreds of MEPs passed a motion calling for the EU to stay involved in Northern Ireland's peace process.

Leading that debate, Nigel Farage warned that other countries could follow the UK in leaving.

However his very presence at the debate was mocked by others, including the European Commission president Jean-Claude Trichet, who asked: "Why are you here?"

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for Today FM's National Lunchtime News:

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