

Dail returns to debate homelessness

The new Dail returns to business today to debate the housing and homelessness crisis. Enda Kenny is...

6:14 AM - 22 Mar 2016

Dail returns to debate homeles...


Dail returns to debate homelessness


6:14 AM - 22 Mar 2016

The new Dail returns to business today to debate the housing and homelessness crisis.

Enda Kenny is also expected to update the Dail on his efforts to form a new government.

Although the work of setting up a new government continues, today the new Dail will meet for its first full discussions on several issues of major national concern.

The day begins at 10:30 when acting Taoiseach Enda Kenny will brief the house on two recent EU summits to discuss the refugee crisis and the European deal with Turkey.

There'll then be discussion on a meeting of EU agriculture ministers, while in the afternoon there'll be four hours of debating on the national housing and homelessness situation.

That debate could see the unusual situation of the acting junior minister for housing - Paudie Coffey - having to attend the debate even though he's no longer a member of the Dail.

There hasn't been any time formally set aside for discussion on the process of forming a new five enemy.

But Enda Kenny has previously committed to updating the house, and the nation, on his efforts when the Dail meets this morning.

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