

Daring Dog Rescue

A golden retriever had to be retrieved himself, after falling down a cliff in Dublin today. The Iris...

9:48 PM - 19 Jun 2017

Daring Dog Rescue


Daring Dog Rescue


9:48 PM - 19 Jun 2017

A golden retriever had to be retrieved himself, after falling down a cliff in Dublin today.

The Irish Coast Guard were called in when "Marley" the dog got trapped on a ledge at Red Rock in Sutton.

A Coast Guard climber abseiled down to the dog and then lowered him to the beach below where he was reunited with his relieved owner.

It was the second dog rescue of the day for the coast guard.

A coast guard boat had to launch into Dublin Bay to rescue a dog who swam out to sea from the Bull Wall and couldn't get back in.

He had been swept out into the main shipping lane and a Dublin Port boat eventually rescued him.

The Coast Guard has praised the owners of both dogs for contacting them, rather than risking a rescue themselves.

They say if you see someone in trouble call 112 right away.









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