

Debate continues over Enda's trip to Trump

Debate is continuing over whether Enda Kenny should still travel to the White House to meet Donald T...

1:36 PM - 31 Jan 2017

Debate continues over Enda'...


Debate continues over Enda's trip to Trump


1:36 PM - 31 Jan 2017

Debate is continuing over whether Enda Kenny should still travel to the White House to meet Donald Trump on St Patrick's Day.

Kenny himself says he wants to meet Trump in person to raise concerns about immigration - but other groups insist he would be better served by boycotting the event.

Meanwhile the cabinet has been considering a review of American pre-clearance facilities - with the matter set to be raised in the Dáil this afternoon.

The review announced last night will see the Departments of Justice, Transport and Foreign Affairs examine the operations of the system as it currently stands.

Concern has been raised that it may be illegal for Ireland to allow the rules be implemented on Irish soil, as Irish officials cannot discriminate against people who may also be EU citizens.

But Fianna Fail says that as far as it is concerned, the pre-clearance facility is operated entirely by U.S. officials - and that there is therefore no legal concern about it.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports:

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