It's been a disappointing election so far for everyone but the Green Party.
The Green Wave has been particularly strong in Dublin as climate conscious voters make their voices felt.
Ciaran Cuffe in Dublin is outstripping his rivals by 2 to 1 in some European boxes while Saoirse McHugh and Grace O'Sullivan are on course for seats.
If the tallies stay true, Fianna Fáil won't get a seat in Midlands North West having got just 9% of the vote between two candidates.
The Red C exit poll shows Brendan Smith got 0% among 18-24 year olds.
While the same age group in Dublin voted 42% in favour of the Green Party - showing a clear age trend.
Fine Gael also looks likely to lose Deirdre Clune's seat in Ireland South.
In the local elections it's a poor showing for the two main parties and Sinn Féin in Dublin.
More support for Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil in the rest of the country - but seat losses are likely for both parties
Early tallies coming in and it's looking like the predicted #GreenWave might hit. You can follow all the action from the RDS and around the country on our Instagram stories - we're @greenparty_ie there too! 📸#wantedgreenvotedgreen
— Green Party Ireland (@greenparty_ie) May 25, 2019