

Emergency Barring Orders to be introduced

New laws will make it easier to access barring orders in situations where there's domestic violence....

5:06 PM - 3 Feb 2017

Emergency Barring Orders to be...


Emergency Barring Orders to be introduced


5:06 PM - 3 Feb 2017

New laws will make it easier to access barring orders in situations where there's domestic violence.

The Domestic Violence Bill allows partners to apply for emergency barring orders, even if they don't have an interest in the property where they live.

Courts will also have the power to prohibit abusers from emailing, texting or messaging their partner.

Minister Frances Fitzgerald says the bill makes it easier to access protection, with Emergency Barring Orders;

The Tánaiste said:

“Tackling domestic violence has been a priority for me throughout my career. It is not acceptable that anyone in Ireland is subjected to abuse, fear and intimidation. Domestic violence is a pernicious evil that has devastating physical, emotional and financial consequences for victims as well as society as a whole.”

“The Bill will particularly improve the protections available to victims of domestic violence, most critically for cohabitants and parents in crisis situations, by introducing a new emergency barring order which can last for up to 8 working days.”

“I also intend to bring forward amendments to the Bill at Committee Stage to extend access to safety and protection orders to those in intimate and committed relationships, who are not cohabiting.”

“The Bill also aims to make the court process easier for victims of domestic violence. A victim will have the right to be accompanied to court by a family member, friend or support worker. A victim will be able to give evidence by live television link. There will be restrictions on attendance at both civil and criminal court proceedings and protections for the victim’s anonymity.”

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