

Enda: Opposition TDs want me to break the law

The Taoiseach claims he can't tell the Dail what role the Department of Finance might have played in...

2:07 PM - 11 Nov 2015

Enda: Opposition TDs want me t...


Enda: Opposition TDs want me to break the law


2:07 PM - 11 Nov 2015

The Taoiseach claims he can't tell the Dail what role the Department of Finance might have played in frustrating the inquiry into IBRC.

Enda Kenny says he would be breaking the law by getting involved in the inquiry or the bodies involved.

Opposition leaders have demanded full disclosure from the Government on what role the Department of Finance might have played in causing the inquiry to grind to a halt.

Judge Brian Cregan yesterday released documents showing how the Department of Finance believed its evidence to the Commission was confidential, and in some cases, covered by legal privilege.

But the opposition believes this means the Government itself has refused to co-operate with the inquiry - and therefore shares some of the blame for how the inquiry has now found itself with insufficient power to do its work.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports:

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