

EU Justice ministers meet in emergency session

European Justice Ministers are due to hold an emergency meeting in Brussels today where France and B...

6:36 AM - 20 Nov 2015

EU Justice ministers meet in e...


EU Justice ministers meet in emergency session


6:36 AM - 20 Nov 2015

European Justice Ministers are due to hold an emergency meeting in Brussels today where France and Belgium are expected to call for tougher border security.

It comes as the French President has ordered the 'intensification' of anti-IS strikes in Iraq and Syria.

Francois Hollande has also presented a United Nations draft resolution calling for global support in the fight against the so-called Islamic State.

Meanwhile, the French Prime Minister says police have conducted 600 raids targeting Islamic extremists in the week since the Paris attacks.

Manuel Valls also admits it's "probable" that other terror cells are still active in France.

Police killed the suspected mastermind of the attacks - Abdelhamid Abaaoud - on Wednesday.

Estate agent Amel Alla believes she saw the Belgian jihadist in a cafe the day AFTER the attacks:

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