

Fancy A Ride?

A new Irish dating show is coming to our screens which will see people choose a date with someone ba...

2:48 PM - 25 Sep 2015

Fancy A Ride?


Fancy A Ride?


2:48 PM - 25 Sep 2015

A new Irish dating show is coming to our screens which will see people choose a date with someone based on what kind of car they drive.

Pioc Do Ride - is an original format - and will run on TG4 for 13 weeks.

It will see people choose a potential partner - not on looks or personality - but on their set of wheels.

They won't see or talk to potental partners - but they will get to kick their tyres and rummage through their boots.


Once the couple is introduced the chosen contestant can then decide whether they want to go on the date or whether they want a 250 car voucher instead.

I've been speaking to Entertainment Editor with the Irish Daily Mail Eoin Murphy about the new show:

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