

FG TD Wants To Make Contempt Of Court A Statutory Offence

A Fine Gael TD is to table a bill to make contempt of court a statutory offence in the wake of the J...

8:19 AM - 2 Jul 2017

FG TD Wants To Make Contempt O...


FG TD Wants To Make Contempt Of Court A Statutory Offence


8:19 AM - 2 Jul 2017

A Fine Gael TD is to table a bill to make contempt of court a statutory offence in the wake of the Jobstown trial.

At the moment, contempt of court is a common law offence in Ireland.

The Sunday Times reports that Josepha Madigan found social media comments by Solidarity TDs "menacing" and believes there was an attempt to influence the jury.

She wants the law updated to reflect the increased use of social media and says while she believes in free speech there has to be a limit during a jury trial.

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