

Fianna Fail Leader says manifesto will be better than "con job" of Fine Gael

Micheal Martin says the Tainaste Joan Burton was wrong to slam Fianna Fail for facilitating the Bank...

7:31 PM - 28 Feb 2015

Fianna Fail Leader says manife...


Fianna Fail Leader says manifesto will be better than "con job" of Fine Gael


7:31 PM - 28 Feb 2015

Micheal Martin says the Tainaste Joan Burton was wrong to slam Fianna Fail for facilitating the Bank Guarantee.

At the Labour Party conference in Co. Kerry last night, the Labour leader Joan Burton said that Fianna Fail created the 'monster' that was the Bank Guarantee.

In September 2008 the then Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan, along with the Fianna Fail and Green Party Government, issued a guarantee for bank deposits.

Fianna Fail's Micheal Martin says Joan Burton and the Labour Party were complicit with the guarantee once they came into Government:

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