

Fianna Fail Leads Fine Gael In Second Opinion Poll In A Week

Fianna Fáil has opened up a lead on Fine Gael in an opinion poll, for the second time in a week. The...

7:08 PM - 28 Jan 2017

Fianna Fail Leads Fine Gael In...


Fianna Fail Leads Fine Gael In Second Opinion Poll In A Week


7:08 PM - 28 Jan 2017

Fianna Fáil has opened up a lead on Fine Gael in an opinion poll, for the second time in a week.

The survey for tomorrow's Sunday Business Post has Fianna Fáil on 27%, with Fine Gael on 24.

This is the first RED C / SBP poll of the year and is comparable to their last poll at the end of November.

Fine Gael drops a point to 24 percent, as do their coalition partners the independent alliance from 4 to 3.

Fianna Fáil's the winner, going up three points to 27%, and means following on from last weekend's Sunday Times poll, two surveys now show them with a lead over Fine Gael.

Sinn Féin drop two points to 14, with non aligned independents going up 2 to 14.

Labour's unchanged on 5, the People Before Profit Anti Austerity Alliance drops one to 4, the Greens go up 1 to 4 and the Social Democrats are unchanged on 4. Renua goes up 1 point to 1 percent.

This poll will heap further pressure on Enda Kenny hours after the Taoiseach was forced to put out a statement earlier insisting there would be no coalition with Sinn Féin after appearing on Thursday to open the door for such a partnership after the next election.

Páraic Gallagher reports:

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