

First Ever Tropical Stingray Born In Ireland

The first ever tropical stingray has been born in Ireland. The female baby Cownose is settling into...

1:32 PM - 14 Apr 2017

First Ever Tropical Stingray B...


First Ever Tropical Stingray Born In Ireland


1:32 PM - 14 Apr 2017

The first ever tropical stingray has been born in Ireland.

The female baby Cownose is settling into her home at the National Sea Life Centre in Bray.

She doesn't have a name yet but is healthy and thriving.

Her birth is the result of a careful breeding programme, aimed at protecting the near threatened species.

Two pairs of male and female Cownose stingrays were taken in four years ago.

They have only just recently reached sexual maturity, and excitement is high that already there has been a successful gestation and birth.

The Atlantic Cownose Ray is usually found along the Western Atlantic, from the Northern US to Brazil - they migrate in schools moving north in early spring and south in the late autumn.

They get their name from the similarities between the curved frontal lobes of their head and a cow’s nose.


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